Inspector Skagit •Chartreuse/Blue•
Inspector Skagit •Chartreuse/Blue•
in the US on orders over $65
$15 for 3 flies
Hoody is a guide on the coast of Northern California. The Inspector Skagit is a proven winner for Hoody: "When I'm looking for a bigger profile and lots of flow and movement, I tend to run the Inspector. It’s a dirty water steelhead finder to say the least, but can also be a great king fly in many situations. It’s quick and easy to tie and has all the wiggle I'm looking for in a fly. All the different materials are effected by the current differently, creating a tantalizing action . You have the unweighted version for when you think that fish are tucked in tight and the tungsten weighted bug for when you need to send it in on the far seam or ledge."
Available in these colors:
• Chartreuse/Blue
• Orange
• Pink/Purple